Lyz Scott


“I've always found getting into new things to be a difficult task for me because of Anxiety. So when I first began my journey into yoga I brought my mental baggage with me. Because I'm self conscious, I like to hide in the back to stay out of sight. But when Lyz first approached me to introduce herself she came in with the warmest, purest energy I've ever felt, I felt welcomed and like I belonged. She always makes it a priority to say hello to all of her students.

She sets a playful tone in her classes which really disarms you and it allows you to really step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Her "playtime" really allows you to try out these poses that you thought you were incapable of because you aren't married to the outcome. Before I even remembered that I told myself I would never attempt a headstand, there I was inverted with Lyz guiding me.

Lyz can challenge you physically which is the best! However, it's her quotes, her stories and her guidance in the inner space is what I find the most valuable, specially because of my self doubts and Anxiety. TL:DR version: Lyz is the best. She makes you feel welcomed and will help you step out of your comfort zones while building your strength inside and out.”

/  Michael Satumbaga  /


“Lyz is a thoughtful and experienced yoga instructor. I appreciate that her classes are always well planned with either a peak pose or focus area. She always makes her students feel comfortable modifying poses or adding on with organic movements. I also love the small personal touches she includes in her classes like greeting her students, offering an essential oil or telling stories. Thank you Lyz for all you do for your yogis!”

/  Lauren Ramirez  /


“As a beginner yogi, I was a bit intimidated with starting yoga. Having gone to a couple of classes before having Lyz as an instructor, I was uncertain if I was capable of having a love for yoga. I am completely thankful that all changed the day I first took her class. I immediately felt comfortable and inspired. Lyz is one of the main reasons that I have decided to commit to my practice. Her ability to connect with people and personalize her classes is a blessing. She has a positive, warm energy that exudes from within! Her genuine spirit, guidance and passion for people and yoga is authentic and heartfelt. The way she shares her practice and allows me to grow at my own rate, is appreciated. Her communication and support as an instructor is truly effortless. I am completely grateful that I am on this new journey and I owe a lot of that to Lyz!”    

/ monique moreno  /


“To one degree or another, I've been practicing yoga for over 15 years. I've had the opportunity to practice under the guidance of dozens of different instructors at 6 different gyms and studios in Fresno/Clovis, and via several TV/internet classes. Without a doubt, the best instructor I've practiced with is Lyz Scott. She checks all the boxes that make for a good instructor, including having great organization to her classes, clearly communicating instructions, and providing alternatives for students at all levels. She is immensely cheerful, supportive, caring, creative and she makes every class enjoyable. I've learned a great deal from practicing under Lyz's leadership and I know I'm a much better yoga practitioner because of her classes. If you are looking for a fantastic yoga instructor, I recommend Lyz without hesitation!”

/ chris Fiorentino /


“Lyz Scott is an amazing person and yoga instructor. When I started practicing with Lyz I had already been to several yoga studios and been guided by many different teachers. But when I practiced with Lyz it was a different experience altogether. I began to understand the practice. Lyz talked about Yoga as a whole; which includes the limbs of yoga… Not just the asanas. I found the more I could try to understand the practice the better my practice became. She speaks healing words of wisdom and positivity in all things. Of loving oneself and all things around you. Things people need to hear and be reminded of. She emphasizes the connection of yoga practice and everyday life. She has a light inside her that she is always willing to share. Practicing yoga with her and being guided by her has impacted my life and yoga practice forever.”

/ carrie sefton /